Rolex and Manfredi Jewels History
Rolex and Manfredi Jewels History
Today, Manfredi Jewels is not only an Official Rolex Jeweler but is also a purveyor of some of the finest jewelry and timepieces available. However, this was not by accident: Manfredi Jewels’ renowned quality comes from decades of experience and education. Through the hard work of its founders and employees, we are proud to be who we are today.

Founding of Manfredi
In the 1980s, Roberto Chiappelloni, the co-owner of Manfredi, was a successful restauranteur with a passion for the Greenwich community. At that time, collecting timepieces was a beloved hobby of his. Chiappelloni attended school in Italy and then in Geneva, Switzerland, where he developed this love of watches before moving to the United States. After a chance encounter with the owner of a pawn shop he frequented, this hobby became his second business venture, Manfredi Jewels. The company saw immense success and, today, has two locations in Greenwich, CT, one of which offers pieces from the world’s most exclusive independent watchmakers, the other, an Official Rolex Jeweler.

Family Involvement
Growing up in Italy, Chiappelloni formed a strong appreciation and eye for artistic craftsmanship, which only grew with the development and success of his company. A family man at heart, the Chiappelloni’s have all been deeply involved with the business, his wife working regularly in the store and his daughter having always been an essential influence in the company. Roberto has no plans for retirement on the horizon, as his passion for the luxury timepiece industry continues to increase. He says, “I know how fortunate I am to have been able to turn my love of fine timepieces and jewelry into a thriving business.”