Get To Know Yellow Diamonds
Get To Know Yellow Diamonds
Yellow diamonds are a family of colors on their on. In most cases fancy color diamonds do not come in a pure form, but rather as a combination of colors.
Natural fancy yellow stones have become highly sought after in the past decade and are currently found in all major jewelry houses and brands. Due to the high demand and low supply, these item's prices are constantly on the rise. The typical overtones for yellows are: Brown, green and orange.
Yellow diamonds are found less than one thousandth of the time compared to white stones.
How Nature Creates Yellow Diamonds
Nitrogen is so common in diamonds that the crystal itself is categorized based on the presence or lack of nitrogen.
Origins of the Yellow Diamond
Yellow diamonds originate from all over the world. The countries best known for these yellow rarities are Australia, Africa, Borneo, Brazil, and Russia. Sierra Leone is another location that yields yellow stones among them the majestic Zimmi diamonds.
Diamonds from this area are mostly nearly colorless. In rare instances stones with a distinctive saturated yellow color are found here and have the following unique features.
They do not fluoresce under UV light. Many have greenish and brownish undertones. Their inclusions usually contain distinctive black crystals. Most importantly the cause of their yellow hue differs from all other yellow diamonds and is due to isolated nitrogen impurities.
Inside each of the GIA fancy yellow color categories there is a wide range of inner intensity grades which factor in to the final pricing of each stone. the closer the color in each category is to the upper limit of that range the higher the premium for that stone will be.
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